Friday, 6 April 2012

Boat3 - nearly finished! Eek! :)

Oooh, it's getting a bit scary! 

NBBoat3 is nearly finished. The following piccies arrived today, and they've again made a huge amount of progress in a week. 

I've also confirmed the final bill, as well as some details including fender eyes, doors and the colour. Have a look at the CavEmp blog to see what the Ral5005 blue looks like!  (  )

I'm getting a little concerned, partly as my crew for the trip back, Jo, is off on holiday for a few weeks and I don't want to think about single-handing her back, and also my brain has been in CavEmp mode for the last few weeks and I've almost forgotten about Boat3! :) 

Anyhoo, hopefully if they can't store her for a couple of weeks, I'll be able to find a paid-for mooring in Boston where someone can keep an eye on her until Jo and I can get up there and crew her back. That'll be an exciting trip - I'm looking forward to it with a certain amount of trepidation! :) 

So, a few piccies to look at:

You can see that not only have they done the window cutouts, they've also got stuck into battening the boat as well, in preparation for sprayfoaming soon... 

Looking nice and straight down the sides - just the right amount of tumblehome I reckon. 

Stern looking tidy too - I'm quite looking forward to owning a trad for a change after two cruiser-sterned boats... 

There's a porthole to go in the gap where there're no windows below, with a matching pair of side doors on the opposite side... 

At the helm here sometime soon... Well, if f a rudder and tiller appears... ;) 

Great eh? And scary, don't forget the scary...


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